*Update August 20, 2020 – Sept 10th Start Date*
August 20, 2020
Dear Families, Due to the delayed start of school opening for this coming school year, we will not be offering before and after school care at our centres until the first day of school, September 10th. We are unable to offer full day care on September 8th and 9th . Our summer programs will be…
*Update August 11, 2020 – BC’s Back to School Plan *
August 11, 2020
See the link posted below for the most recent news on BC’s back to school plan for September. We do not yet know how this will impact Hand in Hand’s programs. Once more information is put foward, we will provide an update to families as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
*Reminder – Closure Dates*
August 10, 2020
Hand in Hand Closure Days Reminder: Our last day of our Summer Sizzle program is: Friday, August 21st NO CHILD CARE will be provided on Aug 24th– 28th and Aug 31st– September 4th Our wonderful & dedicated staff need these days as valuable prep. time for school opening. Thanks for your understanding!
*Update July 31st, 2020 – Calendar Submitting Procedures*
July 31, 2020
Monthly Calendars Through our website at, calendars for the upcoming month will be available the first week of the current month through our website at Our new procedure will be to email completed calendars to no later than the 15th of the current month to reserve your space for the following month….
*Notice* – Parent Fee Increase September 2020
July 31, 2020
July 31, 2020 Fee Increase Notice – Effective September 1, 2020 Dear Parents, Our Hand in Hand Child Care Society Board of Directors, has deemed it necessary to increase our child care fees effective September 1, 2020 as we ensure our valued employees receive the benefits of the 4 year BC Fair Wage plan which…
Update June 25, 2020: Summer Program & Closure Dates
June 25, 2020
Hello Hand in Hand Families, Our Summer Program officially begins on Monday, July 6th 2020 at the following locations: Centennial Godson Sandy Hill Terry Fox Thomas Swift Also a reminder that we are closed on the following days in July & August: July 1st (Canada Day) July 2nd & 3rd – Summer Prep Days August…
Update June 12, 2020: Summer Care
June 12, 2020
If you are registered with Hand in Hand, and require summer care, please contact the Administration Office at for more information. If you are not registered with Hand in Hand, but are looking for summer care, please email us and we will add you to our waitlist. Due to smaller group sizes, space is…
**Update COVID-19 May 26, 2020**
May 26, 2020
May 26th, 2020 MEMO: To all Hand in Hand Parents/Guardians Re: Update on Hand in Hand Operations with June 1st School Re-Start Plan Dear Parents/Guardians On June 1st schools will be open for families who choose to voluntarily have their child(ren) return to in-school instruction. We understand that the schools will receive 50% of students…
Update – COVID (May 19, 2020)
May 19, 2020
Good Morning Hand in Hand Families With the announcement from the Government and Ministry of Education of the reopening of schools part time effective June 1st plans will be changing for Hand in Hand. At this time we are still in the planning stages of how this will look for us. We remain committed to…
Update – COVID (April 25, 2020)
April 25, 2020
Update: April 25, 2020- We hope all of our families are staying safe and healthy during these uncertain times. We are excited to update you about our Hand in Hand school age care programs: We are currently providing care to school age children of essential service workers (tiers 1 & 2) at four of our…
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